Coming from humble beginnings, a young Michael Anderson was moved by the kindness and generosity of a local police constable-Barry Hall.
Constable Barry Hall, out of the kindness of his heart and sense of community would leave an ever lasting imprint on Michael Anderson’s life and be the guiding service would deliver gifts to the youths in the area. His compassionate spirit has led him to continue that tradition of, “Community raising children begins with one person willing enough”.
Now as an adult with the desire and passion to the tradition of Constable Barry Hall, Michael Anderson has return to his humble tradition to impart on the new generation the spirit of giving back to the community. A tradition started so many years ago with one person willing enough to believe he could make a change/difference.
Knowing that he mattered in the eyes of someone, Michael Anderson has return home and will continue to do so to show others they matter in his quest , and to make every child smile at Christmas.
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