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169 Total Entries

  1. Toronto, ON – this is a great cause and supporting is the best thing you could ever do . Mike’s determination and leadership has made this program a sucess

  2. I would like to commend you onRKF9 the good job you have been doing;It takes a special person to do what you are doing. Thank you

  3. Ajax, ON – Mike I must commend you on the awesome Job you are doing; Keep up the good work and may God continue to use you to impact the life of others. God Bless

  4. Toronto, ON – First and foremost I would like to congratulate Dad and Mom for their hard work, dedication and success with S-L-O-P-F. Mom and Dad you are truly an example of God Blessed individuals whom not only take, but give back to the under privileged in the community. Its great to see that even though you both been in Canada for many years, and have accomplished your own goals and dreams, you both haven’t forgotten where your come from, and God will truly continue to bless and keep you both. I did not have chance to participate in last years Christmas drive but will look forward to this years Christmas drive and will be on board.
    Mon and Dad sometimes we continue to help others and may feel at times like our hard work, sweat and tears are in vain and gone unseen, but just remember that God is not asleep, he is watching, and you will be rewarded for the great deeds you have done. Bless!

  5. Scarborough, ON – I’ve known Mike for a few years now and I think he does a terrific job helping to bring a little happiness into the lives of so many children .
    Every year it get bigger and better and I wish him all the success in his endeavors.

  6. Whitby, ON – Its a great program that you two started and we both hope that this will continue to be successful. It’s great to know that there are still some great people with big and generous heart out there helping out the less fortunate, we hope that everyone sees this as an opportunity to make a difference in this world. Good luck to the both of you.

  7. Toronto, ON – Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need. Kahlil Gibran

    I have known Mike for many years and throughout those years, I have known Mike not only to be a person of sound judgement but a person with a committment to professionalism in every aspect of life. When Mike through conversations told me of this organization I was waiting for angels in white gowns. This to me was the crowning achievement of a life long amibition of a son of Jamaica and also a son of the Caribbean community. What Mike Anderson has accomplish is nothing short of a dream. Considering those who knew Mikes’ humble beginning to what he has become. Mike is a credit to humanity and above all his family and country. Blessed are those who do the will of father for they will be call sons of God. May God continue to bless and keep you.

  8. Congratulations to Michael and Bev Anderson to their very important contribution to the needy children in Jamaica.Knowing Michael for many years ,I know that he has always had a sincere desire to extend a helping hand to to those in need.Please keep up this urgent and necessary undertaking.All the very best.

  9. Mr Anderson .Great work as always.This is the example we need in the community and also in the world.

  10. Toronto, ON – Your testimonial inspired me. I think that what you’re doing is great…the children in Jamaica are very fortunate to have someone care about them…especially at Christmas. Best wishes to your continued SUCCESS.


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